Fairfield Bay Yacht Club (FBYC) History
Tuesday, November 8th was an important date back in 1988. First off it was the National Elections; but most importantly the formation of the Fairfield Bay Yacht Club, Inc. On Tuesday, October 4, 1988 (1-4 pm) in the Blue Room of the Country Club, (now known as the Resort Offices of the Indian Hills Complex.) Dick Owen called the organizational meeting to order. He gave a short history of the thinking and planning of the FBYC. The proposed general purpose of the club would be to encourage and promote greater use of our boats, the marina facilities, and Greers Ferry Lake.
It was decided that an Ad Hoc Committee would be appointed and the group would be in charge of the formation of our by-laws. To help with the by-laws the Reefpoint Yacht Club of Racine, Wisconsin sent a copy of theirs to help format our own. (To see all the by-laws, see the page “Articles of Incorporation.”) Tom Noll was nominated as temporary Commodore and he appointed the first necessary positions; Fred Cruise as Vice Commodore, Charles Heaton as Events Chairman (known as the Fleet Captain now), and Dwight Landon as Secretary. Dick Owen and Max Nigh were members at large. After the 4th meeting on Tuesday, November 8th, Dick Owen was nominated for Commodore. The Club received 32 paid memberships that evening. The first board meeting was held on November 28, 1998. Treasurer Hatfield reported a total of $320.00 collected. Dues were discussed and the cost was $10.00 per person, per year. The dues covered the following: Newsletter, Membership cards, Officer Ensigns, Postage, Trophies, and Letter Heads. It was suggested to have two meetings. One in November to be a party with the election and installation of officers, and the other in March to explain the activities for the year. The fiscal year would be from November 15th to November 15th of the following year. At the time, all memberships were limited to those who were boat owners or part-owners.
The first year had the following events: spring dinner, Blessing of Boats at the dock of Sugarloaf Mtn. Island, cookouts, poker run, starlight cruise, sunset cruise, cruise and dance on the old floating barge, sunrise breakfast, luncheon, scavenger hunt, a cruise to the Dam Site, fish fry, color cruise, and the commodore’s ball.
We have events from March to December and some months we have 2 events per month.